Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Properly Removing Blackheads and Cleaning Clogged Pores at Home

Hello Ladies! Today I would like to share my step by step routines on how to clean clogged pores and removing stubborn blackheads at home.
Blackheads, Acne and clogged pores are caused by our unhealthy diets, lack of sleep, poor hygiene,oily skin, hormone changes, dirt, cosmetic and other beauty products irritations(these are only few of many reasons and situations that causes break outs).
I tried many different methods since I was in college, I spent lots of times in many different skin spas, I've also tried many different products for preventing and reducing break outs and i find it somehow did not work for me.

Here's why
First, going to a spa is very expensive. Why would I want to spend lots of money when sometimes staffs do their job half ass or sometimes they recommend you additional services that you don't really need. Its a ripped off, and I can do what they are doing at the comfort of my own home. 

Secondly, I keep buying anti-acne products. Now I know, even how expensive your anti-acne product is, if you don't clean your face properly, it will not be as effective as you thought when you bought it.

Since internet is very common now and a part of our everyday living, I've done lots of readings and researching on how to prevent acne,blackhead and clogged pores and how to remove them and some article says you can prevent acne by eating healthy foods, having enough sleep and exercises, you can prevent blackheads by properly taking care of your skin, but one article stuck on my mind and it says "you can't prevent clogged pores,only you can clean it".

Here are my simple and easy step by step routine that I'd like to share for proper face cleaning.
photo credit to thenakedchemist.com

Clean your face everyday in the morning and at night before going to bed. 

Followed by your moisturizer.

Put on some sunscreen in the morning before leaving your house to prevent sunburn and protect your skin from harmful UV lights from the sun.

Do this exfoliation method weekly allowing the skin to rest and renew.

 Brush your face using a dry-brushing method. Do this with dry face using this dry brush, gently scrub your face to remove dry skin.

After that, wash your face with a mild facial wash. Massaging your face in a circular motion using your mild facial wash helps blood to circulate resulting a healthy and glowing skin.

 Dry your face with a clean towel. Put on your favorite face mask and leave it for 15-30 mins.

While you are waiting for your timer to beep (for your face mask), you have two options in preparing your facial steam

If you don't have a facial steamer, you can use this DIY method.
Prepare a pot filled with water and boil it.
While boiling, remove your facial mask, rinse it if its instructed.
Prepare a bowl and a clean towel
Pour the boiling water into the bowl
Put a towel over you head, and put your face over the bowl close enough that you can feel the steam on your face for about 10-15 minutes
What it does is open your pores, makes it easy to remove white heads and black heads

Use this power operated facial steam
Its much easier to use since it has its own timer.

Just plugged it in and set the timer.

Put your face over the facial steamer close enough to feel the steam on you face for about 10-15 mins

After this process, you will need a blackhead removal tool like this photo below

Make sure that the tool you will use is clean and sterile. To sterilized, wash the tool with anti-bacterial soap, rinse it thoroughly and put it in a boiling water for 5 mins. Let it cool down and wipe it with alcohol.
Note: Make sure that your hands are also clean before removing your blackheads and cleaning your clogged pores.
 Use a magnifying mirror with light so you can see the pores and not miss it.
Get a tissue paper to put all the removed blackheads and whiteheads.

After cleaning the face, put on your favorite moisturizer while the pores are open, then get a cold damp towel and gently pat it in your face to close the pores.

As I've said, I only do this weekly to give my skin time to rest and renew. 
DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed dermatologist or skin expert, I am sharing this blog based on my own experience. 

So there you go ladies! I hope you try this simple and easy technique in cleaning your face at home. Let me know your questions and suggestions if you have any, and I will gladly answer it. Thanks for reading my blog. 

For my  Easy Skin Care Routine Blog, please click the link below and it will direct you to my article


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