Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Easy Skin Care Routine

Hello there lovelies! I am here again.. This time I would like to share my essential routine for young, glowing and healthy skin.

We cannot predict our weather nowadays, it's either hot or cold, humid or dry. All of this affects our skin.
Our skin gets dry and dull looking due to these weather changes.

But hey, I've got a skin secret to share! (well, it's not really a secret, many of us know this routine,just that some of us doesn't have the time to do it.) 

I'll keep this blog short :) Like you, I am also busy in my everyday life..

First thing you'll need is of course WATER!
 It is very essential in our life. Water detoxify's our body. It hydrates us especially the skin. Lack of water causes many fatal diseases such as heart disease, kidney failure etc.
But drinking plenty of water everyday changes everything. More water means less toxins in our body, and our skin will stay hydrated, healthy and youthful looking skin.

I take 3 sips of not so cold water every 15 minutes to keep me hydrated. (I prefer not so cold.)

If you are not so fond of water, you can also drink fresh juice or tea, as long as you have fluid intake. Avoid drinking sodas, it is not good for your health as they are full of processed ingredients that are harmful to the kidney. 

secondly, a LOOFAH.....! oh yes! 
It may not seem so significant to you but hey, it can do a lot of good things to our skin!
Everyday I use this for dry skin brushing.
What does it do? It removes dry skins, tighten pores, good blood flows, and reduces cellulite. Leaving the skin silky smooth and glowing!

Your skin should be dry as well as the loofah.
You should only brush toward the heart. Making a long sweeps motions. Avoid sweeping  back and forth, scrubbing, and scrubbing/sweeping circular motions.
Start on your feet, moving up the legs, then work from the arms towards the chest. Direct the brush counter clockwise when brushing your stomach. And oh, don't brush too hard. It may irritate your skin.
Take a cool (or normal water) shower for better results. Hot water only dries the skin. Do this every day or even twice a day if you like, and you'll see the amazing results :)
Also when taking a shower, you may want to use mild soaps for everyday use, like the ones that are used by babies. Less chemicals on your skin, the better. Chemicals on skin makes the skin photo-sensitive and often gets sun burned or irritated when exposed to sun. 

Thirdly, this two very effective combination body scrub for skin exfoliation and rejuvenation.

The Coffee Scrub
You don't have to spend much money for spa treatments and buying expensive body treats to achieve a silky smooth, and glowing skin.
Get rid of unwanted skin boo-boos and cellulite.

Here's an easy d.i.y steps for making your own coffee scrub. You'll only need two essential ingredients.
1 cup of ground coffee
2 tsp of olive oil

And Voila! A coffee scrub!!( So easy)- I know right :) and its very organic.
You have to treat your skin with coffee scrub at least twice a week. You don't have to do this everyday. You should give your skin a rest since you are doing the dry skin brushing that already exfoliates your skin.

Fourthly, the everyday VIP (very important perks)
Lotion, Face moisturizers and Sunscreen - whether its rainy, sunny, dry or cold, this three v.i.p's are essential to our skin. Don't take a chance from getting sun damage or dry skin and other skin problems.
Its harder to erase sun spots, fine lines and blemishes than taking care of our skin.
Be determined and patient.

I know some of us are lazy following such beauty regimens, but hey,in the long run you'll see the amazing results. 

I hope this skin care routine helped you. I'll be back for more beauty tips and regimens :)
Bye for now... Stay healthy and beautiful...


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