Friday, November 8, 2013

Basic "Home Remedies" Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

Hi Peeps, I'm here again to share you some beauty tips and helpful skin care routine especially for people whose having problems with oily skin. 

What is Oily Skin?
Oily skin is caused by over - active sebaceous glands, that produce a substance called "sebum" ,a naturally healthy skin lubricant.
Oily skin is known to prevent wrinkles, or other signs of aging. However, too much oil in your skin is not good as it also cause blackheads, clogged pores, pimples, blemishes and dead skin cells buildup on the surface of the skin. Sucks right?

What causes Oily Skin?
Oily skin is one of the common skin problems that most women and men has to deal with especially teenagers.
  • Stress 
  • Genetics
  • Weather Changes
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Over use of skin care products
  • Bad Hygiene
  • Dust
Here are some skin care routine and home remedies that will help prevent skin from producing more oils that leads to skin disasters..

Wash your face
Washing face with warm water and a mild soap once every morning and once at night before you sleep helps  eliminate excess oils in the skin leaving the skin clean and fresh.

Splash cold water in your face before you wipe it with clean towel.
It closes the pores and helps prevent clogged pores that leads to whiteheads and blackheads. Cold water is a very good toner. If your skin is sensitive, cold water is the best for toning as it also leaves the skin smooth and fresh.

After washing your face and toning, moisturize your face. Moisturizer keeps your skin hydrated leaving your skin softer and smooth.

Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week.

Using these loofas and face brushes, leave your face dry and gently scrub it with these brush or loofas till all the dead skin is gone.
You can scrub your face using a mixture of coffee and a drop of extra virgin coconut oil or olive oil.

Exfoliation is the process of removing oldest dead skin cells keeping the skin youthful and healthy.

Use face mask once or twice a week.
A mixture of egg and lemon is a good combination for oily skin.
Leave the mask into your face for 15 minutes then rinse.
Egg will keep your skin and pores tight lifting your skin at the same time for a youthful complexion.
Lemon is a citric acid that will help dry out the pimple.

Keep yourself hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Water is the key to a healthy and younger looking skin.

Get good sleep. Enough sleep is also one of the keys for having such gorgeous skin. It relaxes the skin and gives the skin the time to regenerate and breathe.

Also avoid eating too much sweets and oily foods.Try eating healthy foods and fresh fruits instead.
Avoid using products that contains oils. You don't need oil as your body produces natural oil,unless your skin is dry and flaky.

Follow these skin care routine and you'll see the amazing results.
Keep healthy, keep beautiful :)

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