Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Properly Removing Blackheads and Cleaning Clogged Pores at Home

Hello Ladies! Today I would like to share my step by step routines on how to clean clogged pores and removing stubborn blackheads at home.
Blackheads, Acne and clogged pores are caused by our unhealthy diets, lack of sleep, poor hygiene,oily skin, hormone changes, dirt, cosmetic and other beauty products irritations(these are only few of many reasons and situations that causes break outs).
I tried many different methods since I was in college, I spent lots of times in many different skin spas, I've also tried many different products for preventing and reducing break outs and i find it somehow did not work for me.

Here's why
First, going to a spa is very expensive. Why would I want to spend lots of money when sometimes staffs do their job half ass or sometimes they recommend you additional services that you don't really need. Its a ripped off, and I can do what they are doing at the comfort of my own home. 

Secondly, I keep buying anti-acne products. Now I know, even how expensive your anti-acne product is, if you don't clean your face properly, it will not be as effective as you thought when you bought it.

Since internet is very common now and a part of our everyday living, I've done lots of readings and researching on how to prevent acne,blackhead and clogged pores and how to remove them and some article says you can prevent acne by eating healthy foods, having enough sleep and exercises, you can prevent blackheads by properly taking care of your skin, but one article stuck on my mind and it says "you can't prevent clogged pores,only you can clean it".

Here are my simple and easy step by step routine that I'd like to share for proper face cleaning.
photo credit to thenakedchemist.com

Clean your face everyday in the morning and at night before going to bed. 

Followed by your moisturizer.

Put on some sunscreen in the morning before leaving your house to prevent sunburn and protect your skin from harmful UV lights from the sun.

Do this exfoliation method weekly allowing the skin to rest and renew.

 Brush your face using a dry-brushing method. Do this with dry face using this dry brush, gently scrub your face to remove dry skin.

After that, wash your face with a mild facial wash. Massaging your face in a circular motion using your mild facial wash helps blood to circulate resulting a healthy and glowing skin.

 Dry your face with a clean towel. Put on your favorite face mask and leave it for 15-30 mins.

While you are waiting for your timer to beep (for your face mask), you have two options in preparing your facial steam

If you don't have a facial steamer, you can use this DIY method.
Prepare a pot filled with water and boil it.
While boiling, remove your facial mask, rinse it if its instructed.
Prepare a bowl and a clean towel
Pour the boiling water into the bowl
Put a towel over you head, and put your face over the bowl close enough that you can feel the steam on your face for about 10-15 minutes
What it does is open your pores, makes it easy to remove white heads and black heads

Use this power operated facial steam
Its much easier to use since it has its own timer.

Just plugged it in and set the timer.

Put your face over the facial steamer close enough to feel the steam on you face for about 10-15 mins

After this process, you will need a blackhead removal tool like this photo below

Make sure that the tool you will use is clean and sterile. To sterilized, wash the tool with anti-bacterial soap, rinse it thoroughly and put it in a boiling water for 5 mins. Let it cool down and wipe it with alcohol.
Note: Make sure that your hands are also clean before removing your blackheads and cleaning your clogged pores.
 Use a magnifying mirror with light so you can see the pores and not miss it.
Get a tissue paper to put all the removed blackheads and whiteheads.

After cleaning the face, put on your favorite moisturizer while the pores are open, then get a cold damp towel and gently pat it in your face to close the pores.

As I've said, I only do this weekly to give my skin time to rest and renew. 
DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed dermatologist or skin expert, I am sharing this blog based on my own experience. 

So there you go ladies! I hope you try this simple and easy technique in cleaning your face at home. Let me know your questions and suggestions if you have any, and I will gladly answer it. Thanks for reading my blog. 

For my  Easy Skin Care Routine Blog, please click the link below and it will direct you to my article


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Easy Skin Care Routine

Hello there lovelies! I am here again.. This time I would like to share my essential routine for young, glowing and healthy skin.

We cannot predict our weather nowadays, it's either hot or cold, humid or dry. All of this affects our skin.
Our skin gets dry and dull looking due to these weather changes.

But hey, I've got a skin secret to share! (well, it's not really a secret, many of us know this routine,just that some of us doesn't have the time to do it.) 

I'll keep this blog short :) Like you, I am also busy in my everyday life..

First thing you'll need is of course WATER!
 It is very essential in our life. Water detoxify's our body. It hydrates us especially the skin. Lack of water causes many fatal diseases such as heart disease, kidney failure etc.
But drinking plenty of water everyday changes everything. More water means less toxins in our body, and our skin will stay hydrated, healthy and youthful looking skin.

I take 3 sips of not so cold water every 15 minutes to keep me hydrated. (I prefer not so cold.)

If you are not so fond of water, you can also drink fresh juice or tea, as long as you have fluid intake. Avoid drinking sodas, it is not good for your health as they are full of processed ingredients that are harmful to the kidney. 

secondly, a LOOFAH.....! oh yes! 
It may not seem so significant to you but hey, it can do a lot of good things to our skin!
Everyday I use this for dry skin brushing.
What does it do? It removes dry skins, tighten pores, good blood flows, and reduces cellulite. Leaving the skin silky smooth and glowing!

Your skin should be dry as well as the loofah.
You should only brush toward the heart. Making a long sweeps motions. Avoid sweeping  back and forth, scrubbing, and scrubbing/sweeping circular motions.
Start on your feet, moving up the legs, then work from the arms towards the chest. Direct the brush counter clockwise when brushing your stomach. And oh, don't brush too hard. It may irritate your skin.
Take a cool (or normal water) shower for better results. Hot water only dries the skin. Do this every day or even twice a day if you like, and you'll see the amazing results :)
Also when taking a shower, you may want to use mild soaps for everyday use, like the ones that are used by babies. Less chemicals on your skin, the better. Chemicals on skin makes the skin photo-sensitive and often gets sun burned or irritated when exposed to sun. 

Thirdly, this two very effective combination body scrub for skin exfoliation and rejuvenation.

The Coffee Scrub
You don't have to spend much money for spa treatments and buying expensive body treats to achieve a silky smooth, and glowing skin.
Get rid of unwanted skin boo-boos and cellulite.

Here's an easy d.i.y steps for making your own coffee scrub. You'll only need two essential ingredients.
1 cup of ground coffee
2 tsp of olive oil

And Voila! A coffee scrub!!( So easy)- I know right :) and its very organic.
You have to treat your skin with coffee scrub at least twice a week. You don't have to do this everyday. You should give your skin a rest since you are doing the dry skin brushing that already exfoliates your skin.

Fourthly, the everyday VIP (very important perks)
Lotion, Face moisturizers and Sunscreen - whether its rainy, sunny, dry or cold, this three v.i.p's are essential to our skin. Don't take a chance from getting sun damage or dry skin and other skin problems.
Its harder to erase sun spots, fine lines and blemishes than taking care of our skin.
Be determined and patient.

I know some of us are lazy following such beauty regimens, but hey,in the long run you'll see the amazing results. 

I hope this skin care routine helped you. I'll be back for more beauty tips and regimens :)
Bye for now... Stay healthy and beautiful...


Friday, November 8, 2013

Basic "Home Remedies" Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

Hi Peeps, I'm here again to share you some beauty tips and helpful skin care routine especially for people whose having problems with oily skin. 

What is Oily Skin?
Oily skin is caused by over - active sebaceous glands, that produce a substance called "sebum" ,a naturally healthy skin lubricant.
Oily skin is known to prevent wrinkles, or other signs of aging. However, too much oil in your skin is not good as it also cause blackheads, clogged pores, pimples, blemishes and dead skin cells buildup on the surface of the skin. Sucks right?

What causes Oily Skin?
Oily skin is one of the common skin problems that most women and men has to deal with especially teenagers.
  • Stress 
  • Genetics
  • Weather Changes
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Over use of skin care products
  • Bad Hygiene
  • Dust
Here are some skin care routine and home remedies that will help prevent skin from producing more oils that leads to skin disasters..

Wash your face
Washing face with warm water and a mild soap once every morning and once at night before you sleep helps  eliminate excess oils in the skin leaving the skin clean and fresh.

Splash cold water in your face before you wipe it with clean towel.
It closes the pores and helps prevent clogged pores that leads to whiteheads and blackheads. Cold water is a very good toner. If your skin is sensitive, cold water is the best for toning as it also leaves the skin smooth and fresh.

After washing your face and toning, moisturize your face. Moisturizer keeps your skin hydrated leaving your skin softer and smooth.

Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week.

Using these loofas and face brushes, leave your face dry and gently scrub it with these brush or loofas till all the dead skin is gone.
You can scrub your face using a mixture of coffee and a drop of extra virgin coconut oil or olive oil.

Exfoliation is the process of removing oldest dead skin cells keeping the skin youthful and healthy.

Use face mask once or twice a week.
A mixture of egg and lemon is a good combination for oily skin.
Leave the mask into your face for 15 minutes then rinse.
Egg will keep your skin and pores tight lifting your skin at the same time for a youthful complexion.
Lemon is a citric acid that will help dry out the pimple.

Keep yourself hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Water is the key to a healthy and younger looking skin.

Get good sleep. Enough sleep is also one of the keys for having such gorgeous skin. It relaxes the skin and gives the skin the time to regenerate and breathe.

Also avoid eating too much sweets and oily foods.Try eating healthy foods and fresh fruits instead.
Avoid using products that contains oils. You don't need oil as your body produces natural oil,unless your skin is dry and flaky.

Follow these skin care routine and you'll see the amazing results.
Keep healthy, keep beautiful :)

My Top 5 Make Up Powder Foundations!

Hello Ladies. I'm here again. I just wanna share to all of you guys my Top 5 make up powder foundations to help you choose which one suits your skin. So my skin back in the Philippines was sometimes oily, sometimes dry due to the weather conditions and hormone changes especially when "that" time of the month comes. I am not an expert or a doctor, I am just sharing my experience with all these products to help you choose which one do you think will be good for you.
Before you apply these products make sure that your face is clean, toned and moisturized.

Avon Smooth Minerals
I was using this when I was in college, I used to wet the sponge before applying it on my face so the foundation will last longer.I used to have an acne also but I noticed it was slowly disappearing. It has a great coverage. The price was reasonable also.

Maybelline Mineral Powder Foundation
I used this for 2 years, I love the coverage of this one. I always get a compliment with this :) It makes the skin looks fresher.It lasts long too. But like I said, I wouldn't recommend this if you have an oily skin. It will make your face feels heavy, and shiny and you don't wanna touch it because your finger will leave a mark on your face.
Not good for oily skin

Revlon ColorStay Mineral Powder Foundation
This one is excellent in my opinion but its a bit pricey. But the price is very reasonable I would say. It has a perfect coverage, won't let you down. It has this cooling effect when you apply it in your face, i'd say per jar it lasts for 5-7 months depends on how you use it.

Covergirl Queen Collection Powder Foundation
I like using this one too, I always tend to wet the sponge when using powders like this so it will give you smooth coverage that lasts long. I would say on my experience using this with my oily skin,this one is Ok. It didn't feel heavy and irritating.

MAC Mineralize Skin Finish Natural
I am currently using this one, it is pricey so I only use this for special events and occasions :) But you pay for what its worth.
Very smooth, great coverage and it lasts for 12 hours. 

You can use pretty much all these products, they are skin friendly, no harsh effects. But if you already have an oily skin, the maybelline is not the right one for you.
 I can say that they all have good quality. You can use them with or without the liquid foundations.
 About the prices, some of these products are pricey but they are use by mostly professional make up artists.

So that's it guys. Thank you for reading. And if you have any suggestions, comments and questions, please feel free to comment below and I will answer it as soon as I can.

Disclaimer: These are all my honest review or opinions about the products. I am not paid for it :)

"On the go" beauty perks

Going out with friends? or a date? or travelling somewhere that you can't bring your whole make up box and other personal beauty kits?Well, we are women,everything is meant to be messy and complicated when it comes to our beauty perks. Hmm, don't worry friend, you are not alone, I know that feeling :) So I created this short blog to help you organize your purse.


Going out with friends
Since you are only going out with your besties, you dont need to bring your whole beauty perks 
along. I usually bring these following
1. Lipstick
2.Pressed Powder
4.Cologne or Body Spray
after a long hours of chit-chats while eating, your gonna need a little bit of a re-touch.

But how about

On a Date
Ooh this is a tough one. You wanna impress your date right? Turn off is a No-No.
You might wanna consider bringing your beauty weapons, but again, you don't need to bring your whole make up box.
1.Mouthwash (after you eat, you don't wanna mess up your perfect lips by brushing your teeth)
3.Pressed Powder
5.Perfume or Colognes

Hmmm, what if 

Going on a business trip/ holiday vacation
You are going to spend overnight, or a week or 2.. Your'e going to need an extra purse to take with you along with your travelling bag. Since you will be gone for a while, take some of your favorite beauty perks with you.

1. Your favorite Lipstick, but if you are not contented in one color, you can bring your lipstick palette with you same with the eyeshadow palette and a few make ups. You dont need to bring all, just the ones that you really need.
2. A make up remover.
3.Your Personal Hygiene care.
4.Body Spray

And that's it, you're all set to go!
It does not have to be complicated to look fresh and beautiful. You just have to organize your stuff. 
I hope my blog helped you!